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The spell list

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The spell list Empty The spell list

Post  Admin Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:25 pm

When you are in battle, the key to win them is Skills. When you create a user on the forums, then you have permission to learn 3 skills. You can learn more skills by gaining experience. There are many types of skills. Some skills may heal and some skill may damage alot or maybe poison. You can see a list of skill here in this topic. If you wanna create your own skill, then just post it here and it will be approved in some time.

Key: Cyan, Red, blue, Indigo Yellow White = Elements, Orange = Melee skills

Basic spells

Spell name: Fire ball.
Spell damage: -2 HP.
Spell MP cost: -3 MP.
Spell effect: Creates a fire ball that burns so the enemy lose -1 HP in 2 turns.
Level requirement: 1

Spell name: Ice shard.
Spell damage: -3 HP.
Spell MP cost: -3 MP.
Spell effect: Makes a giant ice shard that strikes the enemy hard.
Level requirement: 1

Spell name: Lighter pure heal.
Spell damage: +2 HP.
Spell MP cost: -1 MP.
Spell effect: Creates a lighter healing aura that heals a friendly target with +2 HP.
Level requirement: 1

Spell name: Shade Touch.
Spell damage: 0 HP
Spell MP cost: -1 MP
Spell effect: Creates a dark cloud against the users hand and then strikes the foe. Makes the enemy lose -2 MP.
Level requirement: 1

Spell name: Guard protection.
Spell damage: 0 HP.
Spell MP cost: -1 MP.
Spell effect: Creates a light barriar that protects the user. Reduces the enemy's attack by -1 HP in his turn.
Level requirement: 1

Spell name: Explosive blazer.
Spell damage: -4 HP
Spell MP cost: -3 MP
Spell effect: Creates a giant lightning explosion that damages the foe with -4 HP AND, it also damages yourself with -2 HP.
Level requirement: 1

Spell name: Battler fist.
Spell damage: -1,2,3,4,5 HP.
Spell MP cost: -1 MP.
Spell effect: Strikes the enemy with a deadly punch. When skill is used, it damages -1 HP to the foe. If the skill is used two times in a row, then it damages -2 HP the second time (Same with 3 - 5 times).
Level requirement: 1

Spell name: Blasting negation.
Spell damage: 0 HP.
Spell MP cost: -1 MP.
Spell effect: Creates a huge dark energy ball that hits the foe and make him/her out of concentration. This spell can negate all spells that has a damage thats 3 and under (like battler fist above).
Level requirement: 1

The skill list is not finished yet and you are welcome to post your own skills.
If you wanna do that, then use this template.

Spell name:
Spell damage:
Spell MP cost:
Spell effect:
Level requirement:

About the skill elements
There are some diffrent elements of skills. There are Fire, Ice, Water, Lightning/electricity, Darkness, Light/holy and Melee skills. The elements has their own abilities.

Fire: Fire spell is useually most damage spells. If you wanna make alot of damage, then select the fire elements.

Ice: Ice spells is also most damage. But there is also alot of freezing and slowing spells in this category.

Water: Water spells is the defensive way to fight. Water spells can make alot of counter damage to the opponent. The water element category also got a few Knock-out spells like drowning or something.

Lightning/electricity: Lightning spells got alot of boost spells and stunning spells. Lightining also got some very brutal spells like [b]Explosive blazer[].

Darkness: Darkness is the element that got alot of cursing spells or reducing spells. Darkness do not have many combat skills or damage skills.

Light/holy: Light/holy is most buff spells or healing spells. The light/holy is one of the most defensive types of elements.

Melee: Melee is every spell that is done by a weapon or punches/kicks. Like a super slash or mega kick.

That was about the spells. Hope you enjoy it Very Happy

Level : 1
Max HP : 10
Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-04-28

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