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The battle system

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The battle system Empty The battle system

Post  Admin Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:31 pm

The battle system is a whole new system that makes roleplay more intense on the forums. You got two way to battle on,

1. You can battle normally when you are roleplaying
2. You can use the modern battle system wich is showed here

Both of them is very funny, but the modern battle system is a little more complicated than the ordinary battle system.

The modern battle system is one of the things that adds a whole new element to the forums.
Over you post count, you can see two numbers. One named max HP, another named max MP. The max HP shows you how much HP you got when the battle starts. When you lose HP in a battle, you need to remember how much you have lost and how much you have back. You can also use skills in battles. Skills can be created in the Character sheet. I will show an example on a battle between two players who both have a max HP on 10.

Jack:Jack stood infront of Lilian who was threatning him with her sword. Jack desides to use a Fire ball spell.

Spell name: Fire ball
Spell damage: -2 HP
Spell MP cost: -3 MP
Spell effect: Burns enemy so he lose -1 HP each turn in to turns.

Lillian:Lillian screamed when she was hit by the Fire ball. She can feel that she burns, but is also hurry about giving Jack some hits back, so Lillian uses a Ice shard spell. (Now she got 8 HP because she was hit by the spell).

Spell name: Ice shard
Spell damage: -3 HP
Spell MP cost: -3 MP
Spell effect: Hits the enemy with a hard ice shard.

Jack:Jack try's to evade the ice shard, but its to large and fast that he gets hit anyway. (Now Jack got 7 HP and 7 MP cause he got hit and because he used the spell)

When a modern battle is done, the two battlers PM me with a filled out template as the one bellow:

Your character name:
Enemy name:
The winner of the match:

When templates are send, then the healh points will be taken from the users and the rewards will be given.

That was an example on the battle system. Hope you enjoys it Very Happy

NOTE: Usefull topics for this forum:

Level : 1
Max HP : 10
Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-04-28

Character sheet
Gold: 500
The battle system Left_bar_bleue100/100The battle system Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Experience points:
The battle system Left_bar_bleue10/100The battle system Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

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