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The Gold, health and EXP system

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The Gold, health and EXP system Empty The Gold, health and EXP system

Post  Admin Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:06 pm

Here is some of the most important rules. Its very important that you follow these rules.
So, on this forum we got some diffrent elements. We got both gold, health and experience.
So lets start out with the gold system:

What is the gold system?
The gold system is something that adds a whole new way to roleplay. With the gold system, we are allowed to trade, buy and sell stuff. We can also give rewards in for example in quests or jobs.

How do i activate it?
Go to the profile page, by clicking on the "Profile" button in the top menu of the page. Then you click on the "Character sheet" button. Then you click the "Generate" button to generate the sheet and then its done.

How do i earn gold?
You can earn gold by completing quests, bounties, jobs or contests. When a quest is completed, then PM me with information about the quest you completed (Read the "Quest system" topic before doing a quest).

So, that was about the gold system. Now we continue about the Health system.

What is the health system?
The health system is a way to show your energy on. When you have been in a battle, the loser's health bar will drop by -10 points. The way to battle will be shown in the "Battle system" topic. When the health bar is down on 0, you need to pay a price to be resurected. Else you cant battle.

How do i activate this?
Same as the gold system. Profile > Character sheet > Generate.

How do i get health?
You can get health by buying potions or go to the health pool, or maybe use a magic spell. If you are dead, you cant use pots, then you need to go the the pool.

And thats how to use health.
Now, at last, i will tell about the experience system.

What is the experience system?
The experience system is a system, that adds a whole new way to do online RP. When you obtain experience, it will be shown in the little bar below your helath.

How do i activate this?
Same as the two others. Profile > Character sheet > Generate.

What can i use experience for?
When you obtain experience, it will be shown in the little bar bellow your health (Same as i said above). When the experience bar is full, you will level up and then you can choose between some upgrades.
The upgrades are:

Get +2 max HP
Get +2 max MP
Get +5 max health
Learn a new abillity/spell

A new abillity/spell can only be learned for each second level.
Some abillitys/spells needs a specifik level before you can learn them.

The way to get these "rewards" then you have to PM me with a template that is shown ....

How do i obtain experience?
There is several ways to obtain experience. You can obtain experience by:

If you win a battle against another player then you earn +10 EXP
The loser of the battle also gets a reward on +5 EXP
By completing quests.
By completing a leason in the Training camp

That was about some of the most important things on the forum. Hope you enjoys it Very Happy

NOTE: Helpfull links to this forum: - The battle system -

Level : 1
Max HP : 10
Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-04-28

Character sheet
Gold: 500
The Gold, health and EXP system Left_bar_bleue100/100The Gold, health and EXP system Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Experience points:
The Gold, health and EXP system Left_bar_bleue10/100The Gold, health and EXP system Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

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