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Quest and job templates

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Quest and job templates Empty Quest and job templates

Post  Admin Sat May 01, 2010 10:20 pm

Here is a template for the quests/bountys and jobs.

Quest name:
Quest description: (About the quest. Why do you make quest? Whos it about? What place is it in?)
Quest objective: (A little description about the objectives)
Difficulty: (Easy, Medium, Hard, Extreme. you decide)
Reward: (Gold reward. Experience reward is automaticly givin by the Moderators)

Job name:
Job time: (How long time the job wil take. 1, 2 or maybe 5 days)
Salary: (How much gold is given)
About the job:
Job location:

Level : 1
Max HP : 10
Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-04-28

Character sheet
Gold: 500
Quest and job templates Left_bar_bleue100/100Quest and job templates Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Experience points:
Quest and job templates Left_bar_bleue10/100Quest and job templates Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

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