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The shop system

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The shop system Empty The shop system

Post  Admin Sat May 01, 2010 2:26 am

To make the forum more interresting, i have added a new feature that gives you users the option to buy/sell stuff.
The way we buy things, is with our gold. The gold can both be used in ordinnary roleplay, or in a little more advanced way. The advanced way to use gold is in the shops. Shops can both be created by other players. If you wanna open a shop, you must pay 450 Gold. Shops are normally used to sell and buy items for. But it would be silly if you just go buy stuff that you cant do anything with. So when you buy stuff, you will also earn experience AND some shop sells items that can make you more powerfull in battle. But there are limits for how epic the stuff may be. If you own a store that sells more powerfull items, then you are only allowed to:

Items that gives more power (Like more max HP or max MP) may not give more than max 3 points.
A item that gives +1 (HP, MP, Attack) must have a price between 700 - 1000 gold.
A item that gives +2 (HP, MP, Attack) must have a price between 1100 - 1400 gold
A item that gives +3 (HP, MP, Attack) must have a price between 1500 - 1800 gold
When a item is that gives more power is buyed, the user who buyed it PM me with a buying recipt that is filled out.

The buying recipt:

Item buyed:
Item price:
Item power given:

Thats it. And if someone wanna open a shop then there is a template bellow here : (If a shop is oppened, you must PM me with the template bellow)

Shop: (like a armory or a antiques)
Shop owner:
Shop location:

Level : 1
Max HP : 10
Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-04-28

Character sheet
Gold: 500
The shop system Left_bar_bleue100/100The shop system Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Experience points:
The shop system Left_bar_bleue10/100The shop system Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

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